SAP LAB Placement Papers
30 questions time:1 hour subjects:basic aptitude,c,dbms 25 were objective remaining with no options
1.about rain problem in a tour ans:18 days
2.odd man out: ans:d
3.a car travels at a certain distance and came back similar to a infosys puzzle ans:45kmph
4.a clock 6 times per min how many times it strikes 12 sec ans:66 sec one lakh can be represented with out using zeros
6.c question ans:mmmm
7.printf("%d",3.14*6.25*6.25).......question regarding to macros c question ans is 5 prints infinite times
9.normalization this is one of ans for dbms question
10.more than one attributes this is one of ans for dbms question
11. 2 degree is ans for aptitude bit
12.353 is one of the answer for aptitude bit
13.0 is one of aptitude bit answer sorry friends i remem this questions only bcoz i am from ece background so i dont know dbms all questions from dbms were select * from users.................. ectc for cse students it is very easier to crack the cut of is nearly 18 marks .with in 45 minutes they declared the result .....i am one of the person who cleared the written.....i didnt feel happy bcoz this is my 35th written clearing
coming to Technical Interview:
they focus on project,c,sqll,puzzles..............if u prepare infosys puzzles they u can answers any puzzless in c they asked to swap two numbers with out using third variable,reverse of a string using pointers,small small programs aked they asked project deeply in dbms they asked normalization,foreign keys etc ,basics in cpp then they declared the result with in 20 min i.e i cleared technical this time also i didnt happy bcoz this is my 18 technical interview clearance
they told abt job profile i.e it is a contract basis for one year and asked some basic hr ques like tell me abt urself,strengths,weakness............i am 2007 passed out even thoug it is a contract basis i joined sap on 29 now i am in sap for one year i advice u not to loose hope if we lost one thing means there is another thing waiting for whis is better than lost one so be confident,do hard work,pray god there will
be definitely one day for every person so hope for urs day
or technical there were 20 multiple choice questions: Out of which about 6 was electronics and 14 was from computer related areas
1. Full form of TTL and CMOS
2. Which is a good conductor (Extrinsic or Intrinsic)
3. What are the different types of capacitors (Electrolytic, dielectric...etc)
4. Select a passive component from the following (four choices were there)
5. Minimum no. of lines required for communication using RS232 (Ans: i think its 2)
6. To convert 1's complement to 2's complement and vice versa
7. During which time we use 'size of' command. (ans: runtime)
8. Out of four choice we have to identify which is a macro.
9. There was one pointer expression related question.
10. To find post fix expression.
11. What type of operating system is unix (ans: pre-emptive,[not sure])
a)pre-emptive b)non-preemptive c)batch
12. Defnition of turing machine.
13. Where we use DFD(Data flow design)
a)structural languages b)object oriented languages c)UML d)all of the above
14. Name the error which occurs when we write on a page
a) segment fault b)permission fault c) page fault
15. A question based on the representation of an array in C
An array whose elements are fn pointers which inturn returns a character
Time 45mins
No negative marking
Forgot the no of questions but technical questions where more than Aptitude
1. If a 6 o'clock the clock strikes 6times. The difference between the first and the last strike is 30 secs. Find the time taken when it strikes 12.
Ans 54sec( I think)
2. While traveling at uniform speed. U read a two digit no. after one hr the number is reversed order. After another hour the number read is same two digit number. What is the average speed?
3. If a=1,b=2...z=26 what is p+q+r?
a)52 b)26c) 5 d) 35
ans a
4. if z=1,y=2...a=26 what is the sum?
a)351 b)450 c)260 d)150
ans a
5. If a 4inch cube is painted on all the sides. If it is cut into 1 inch cubes, how many cubes are not painted at all.
6. What is the value of (0.75*0.75*.075-0.001) / (0.75*.75-0.075+0.01)
a)0.845 b)2.45 c)0.75 d)1
ans a
7. Abode means
a) b)dwelling
ans b
8. Ovation
a)applause b)guesture c) d)
ans a
9. If body: helmet:: finger:?
a)nail b)glove c)cannot be determined d)
1. A super key is
2. Find the odd one out
3. Find the odd one out
a)Oracle b)LINUX c)ingress d)DB/2
ans b
4. If GRANT is used to grant privileges to perform the queries what command is used to remove the permissions?
Ans revoke cmd
5. what is the output of the following
#define AREA(x) (3.14*x*x)
int main()
float a,r1=6.25r2=2.5;
printf("n the area of the circle is %f",a);
printf("n the area of the circle is %f",a);
6. Find if any error in the code
int i=1;
if (i>10)
a)two semicolon
b)for should be replaced by a while loop
c)complilation error Ch eta naS
d)no error
7. when is index of a table used
a)when table is less range of values
b)when table is used frequently
c) when the table is small
d)when we use join statement with select and where clause
8. What is the output of the following
int i=-3, j=2, m, k=0;
m=++i && ++j || ++k
printf("%d %d %d %d", i, j, m, k);
a)-2 3 1 1 b) -2 3 0 1 c) -3 2 1 1 d)2 -3 0 1
There was 3 section in written test
1.Verbal (25q-20m)
3.general aptitude(30q-30m)
1st section some preposition,meaning etc.
2.testing similarity like
1) a)aaccvfgg b)aaccvfg c)accvfggg d)aaccvfgg
2) a)8812.4567 b)8812.4523 c)8812.4321
questions like reading passage and answering there was 2 passages and 5 questions each
3.general aptitude contains basic maths questions like
1. person A starts at 9 am from x to y ,rate of 4km at the same time
person B starts from y to x ,rate of 3km .at what time they will meet?
x to y distance 27
2. $ for 0 , ! for 1
5 sub questions to represent using $ and ! like represent 480 using above foramt (first convert to Bin )
3.there was questions that should solve using venn-diagrams
(Refer GRE u will get sample questions above mentioned)
Peace of mind is attained not by ignoring problems, but by solving them.
I have the written test 4 the sap labs on 31st july and qualifed. Interview was on same day 4 us.(hyd)
The pattern is as follows;
CAt pattern:
20 questions analogy: Questions on KYA KYA island 3, one says lies other says true questions
II Data Interpretion 20 questions:
PIE Chart and Bar graphs 10 each total 20(attempt them very easy 5 mins)
III quants: simple preapre the basics time speed,ages father and relations questions.relation questions (like there r 8 people 4 r males 4 r females is father questions were like how many males r there ?
what is the telation of a n c?..etc
IV english comprerhension 2 passages
One was abt renewable resources pertrlouem saving indian economy searching 4 alternate resources of energy solar that
Read the questions and answer them directly no need to read the entire passages both of them.
Basic grammer,meanings (sorry guys words I am unable 2 recollect) Preapre model paers 4rm GRE and time MBA matreial was helpful 4 me.
Interview pattern:
Hr type : 2 puzzles ,talk abt some topic 4 2 minutes,talk abt ur favorate subject 4 1min,ur projects and what u did and overall idea...,puzzle was
1) there is a square 0f 3 rows n columns arrange numbers 1 to 9 such that sum is same(expalin logic)
2) tis tac game...who chance is next??
Interview is easy just be kool headed and communicate properly... After Interview there will be an PAT(personal assessment test) simple chill abt it...
1. If a 6 o'clock the clock strikes 6times. The difference between the first and the last strike is 30 secs. Find the time taken when it strikes 12.
Ans 54sec( I think)
2. While traveling at uniform speed. U read a two digit no. after one hr the number is reversed order. After another hour the number read is same two digit number. What is the average speed?
3. If a=1,b=2...z=26 what is p+q+r?
a)52 b)26c) 5 d) 35
ans a
4. if z=1,y=2...a=26 what is the sum?
a)351 b)450 c)260 d)150
ans a
5. If a 4inch cube is painted on all the sides. If it is cut into 1 inch cubes, how many cubes are not painted at all.
6. What is the value of (0.75*0.75*.075-0.001) / (0.75*.75-0.075+0.01)
a)0.845 b)2.45 c)0.75 d)1
ans a
7. Abode means
a) b)dwelling
ans b
8. Ovation
a)applause b)guesture c) d)
ans a
9. If body: helmet:: finger:?
a)nail b)glove c)cannot be determined d)
1. A super key is
2. Find the odd one out
3. Find the odd one out
a)Oracle b)LINUX c)ingress d)DB/2
ans b
4. If GRANT is used to grant privileges to perform the queries what command is used to remove the permissions?
Ans revoke cmd
5. what is the output of the following
#define AREA(x) (3.14*x*x)
int main()
float a,r1=6.25r2=2.5;
printf("n the area of the circle is %f",a);
printf("n the area of the circle is %f",a);
6. Find if any error in the code
int i=1;
if (i>10)
a)two semicolon
b)for should be replaced by a while loop
c)complilation error Ch eta naS
d)no error
7. when is index of a table used
a)when table is less range of values
b)when table is used frequently
c) when the table is small
d)when we use join statement with select and where clause
8. What is the output of the following
int i=-3, j=2, m, k=0;
m=++i && ++j || ++k
printf("%d %d %d %d", i, j, m, k);
a)-2 3 1 1 b) -2 3 0 1 c) -3 2 1 1 d)2 -3 0 1