  Hp1 03/13/2025 1:56am (UTC)



Section-1: English 20Questions 20min
Section-2: Aptitude 30Questions 30min
Section-3: Numerical Ability 30Questions 20min
Section-4: Reading Comprehension 10Questions 20min

3 Rounds of interview
1-Written Test
3-Hr Round

1-Written Test

4 parts

First part was Engish.There was a comprehension and aticle and preposition filling and synonyms and rearranging the sentences.

Sceond part was analytical reaoning- set theory,cubes and age.

Third part- verbal and non-verbal R.s agarwal--- Questions like if + is - and / is + and son on.. what will the value be. Find the odd one out and there were conditions given inference some answers from those.

Fourth part- A 3 page long passage was given.We were told to read it for 15 mins.Then answer a set of question after that.

2-Technical Round

Questions on C,C++,Java and Unix.They will ask your specialized subject and ask questions according to that.They also ask about projects.

3-Hr Round It is an informal round. They ask about Hp. What do we expect from Hp.

3 Rounds of interview
1-Written Test
3-Hr Round

1-Written Test

4 parts

First part was Engish.There was a comprehension and aticle and preposition filling and synonyms and rearranging the sentences.

Sceond part was analytical reaoning- set theory,cubes and age.

Third part- verbal and non-verbal R.s agarwal--- Questions like if + is - and / is + and son on.. what will the value be. Find the odd one out and there were conditions given inference some answers from those.

Fourth part- A 3 page long passage was given.We were told to read it for 15 mins.Then answer a set of question after that.

2-Technical Round

Questions on C,C++,Java and Unix.They will ask your specialized subject and ask questions according to that.They also ask about projects.

3-Hr Round It is an informal round. They ask about Hp. What do we expect from Hp.

General section
Computer science general
c/c++ section
Java section

The question paper had 48 questions to be answered in 1hr. Time will be quite sufficient. They have different sets of question papers. I had got the paper with serial number ending with ***- 02-2003.

I would like to request everyone who have attended the HP test to contribute the questions that they remember.
Some questions that i remember are...................

HP Latest Fresher Engineer Placement Sample Question Paper 5 2003

1>General section : computer science general knowledge
2> Computer science general: simple questions

1) HP acquired this company in 2002. Which is the company

a)Compaq b)Dell c)option 3 d) Option4

Ans: a

2) what does 3G denote

a) 3rd generation mobile communication b) 3rd generation computer languages c) option 3 d) option4

Ans: a

3)an application program that is used by the users to get the inofrmation from the backend of some application like databases:

a) application server b)proxy server c)database server d)option 4

Ans: database server

4) which of the following is not true about the e-mail

a) it can be accessed by a client program using POP

b) it can be accessed by a client program using imap protocol

c) option 3

d) option 4

Ans: I don't remember the answer but first 2 are true.

5) Some quesion regarding the company and who developed it ( the thing to remember is that Apple produce Macintosh computers).

5) What is X.25?

a)option 1 b)option 2 c)option 3 d)option 4

Ans: find out??

3> c/c++ section: questions on c/c++, programs o/p etc.

1) main( )


unsigned int i=3;

while( i >=0)

printf( "%d", i--);


how many times will the printf stmt be executed?

a)0 b)3 c)4 d)infinite

Ans: I think the answer is infinite, b'cos 'i' is an unsigned integer and it will not decrement below '0' and hence end up in an infinite loop.(yes, i checked and it is getting stuck in an infinite loop)

2) main( )


int x,y, z;



z= x+++y;

printf("%d %d %d", x, y z);


a)3 5 7 b)option 2 c)option 3 d)option 4

Ans: a

3) # define swap(a,b) temp=a; a=b; b=temp;

main( )


int i, j, temp;




if( i > j)

swap( i, j );

printf( "%d %d %d", i, j, temp);


Ans: On compiling i got ans 10, 0, 0. I did not understand the concept. Please expalin this to me.

4>Java section: questions on java related stuff.

1) Java was initially code named as:

a)Oak b)green c)miller d)option4

Ans: Oak

2) what is not true about the following statements about java.

a) it is compiled using javac compiler

b) the compiled files have .class extension.

c) such files cannot be transfered from one comp to another.

d) they use the java interpreter

Ans: c

3) Why is the synchronize used?

a) to initialize multiple objects b)to lock an object c)option3 d)option 4

Ans: b (probably)

HP paper 21 Oct 2003

there were 3 sections
PART- 1 --> 40 q's (Fundamental computer Concepts, includes OS,N/w , protocols)
PART-2 --> 20 q's (Purely C ) -- bit tricky (involves ADA concepts)
PART-3 --> 20 q's (Analytical) --- very easy

I don't remeber all the q's.however some of them which i do have been written below.
They r not in order or part of .

Q : What is not a part of OS ?
O : swapper,compiler,device driver,file system.
A : compiler.

Q : what is the condition called when the CPU is busy swapping in and out pages of
memory without doing any useful work ?
O : Dining philosopher's problem,thrashing,racearound,option d
A: thrashing.

Q : How are the pages got into main memory from secondary memory?
DMA, Interrupts,option3, option 4
A : as far as i know its Interrupts --by raising a page fault exception.

Q : What is the use of Indexing ?
O : fast linear access, fast random access, sorting of records , option 4
A : find out....

Q : in terms of both space and time which sorting is effecient.(The question is
rephrased .)
O : merge sort, bubble sort, quick sort, option 4
A : find out

which case statement will be executed in the following code ?

int i =1;
case 1 : printf ("");

case 2 : printf("");
default : printf("");

Answer : Case1 will only be executed.

Q : In the given structure how do you initialize the day feild?
struct time {

char * day ;
int * mon ;
int * year ;
} * times;

Options : *(times).day, *(times->day), *times->*day.

Answer : *(times->day) -- after the execution of this statement compiler generates
error.i didn't understand why.can anybody explain.

Q: The char has 1 byte boundary , short has 2 byte boundary, int has 4 byte boundary.
what is the total no: of bytes consumed by the following structure:

struct st {
char a ;
char b;
short c ;
int z[2] ;
char d ;
short f;
int q ;

Options are given.
Answer : its very easy 20 and not 19 .

HP Paper 15 Sep 2003

HP Q Paper Pattern:
48Q 1 hr
12Q General Knowledge
12Q General CSE
12Q C and C++
12Q Java

The q's r as follows:-

1. Which of the foll is not a protocol.


A> PSI (check)

2> Which of the foll does not help security.

Good Password
Update Antivirus


3> What was the prob with Intel Processor


Q.# define swap(a,b) temp=a; a=b; b=temp;
main( )
int i, j, temp;
if( i > j)
swap( i, j );
printf( "%d %d %d", i, j, temp);

Ans: On compiling i got ans 10, 0, 0. I did not understand the concept. Please expalin this to me.

and...the answer fot ur question is
first preprocessor will modify ur code before
the #define swap will be substituted in the line no.6 of the ur code will become like this before compilation...

line 1: int i, j, temp;
line 2: i=5;
line 3: j=10;
line 4: temp=0;
line 5: if( i > j)
line 6: swap( i, j );
line 7: printf( "%d %d %d", i, j, temp);
because of preprocessor, line 6 becomes
temp=i; i=j; j=temp;
so...this is equivalent to
hence...ur overall main becomes
int i, j, temp;
if( i > j)
printf( "%d %d %d", i, j, temp); i think u will know why the answer was 10, 0, 0 ..
4> What does MIME stand for

A> Multipurpose Mail Exchange Protocol

5> What does XP stand for in WIN-Xp
A> Experience

6> Who is associated with C
A> Dennis Ritchie

7> Which of the foll is not a IM client


8> What does ERP stand 4

A> Enterprise resource planning.

9> Who is associated with HOTMAIL

SABEER Bhatia and Jack Smith
SABEER Bhatia and Bill Gates

A>SABEER Bhatia and Jack Smith

10> What does UNIX stand 4???
Find out

11> Which of the foll is not a app server



12> What do u call software embbedded in ROM

A> BIOS (Verify and plz let me know)

13> What is semaphore used 4????

14> Integral Constraint helps in???

A> Solving Inconsitent Data prob.

15> PING uses


16> IP ADDRESS occupies
4 bytes
8 bytes
16 bytes
6 bytes

A> I wrote 8. correct ans 4

17> Which DataStructure helps Searching

18> Q on Binary tree Depth?
2^n - 1
log n

19> Database shud hav
A> ACID properties.

20> VPN stands 4
A> virtual private n/w

21> what does fork() return 2 parent
child pid
A> 0

22> What do u call the relationship b/e a table and
its columnz
A> Schema

12Q on c & c++

23> What is true about c++
A> IT can hav virtual constuctors

24> result of i=6; printf("%d",i++*i++)
cant say
A> Can't say (compiler dependent)

25> output of
char str[20] = "SANJAY"


ANS> 20,6

26> Which of the foll cannot b used accross files
A> static. (i wrote volatile)

27> union u{ int i; char c;};
A> 4 (I got damm irritated when i read this q. I
marked 4 and wrote UNDER UNIX next 2 the answer. How
can such a dumb q which gives diff values under DOS
and UNIX b asked???????????? lemme know)

28> Idenitify err
A> 5["abc"]

12Q on JAVA

29> Java alloctaes mem in

30> Can u call Garbage collector explicitly

A> S . Find out the syntax. It was asked

31> What does this mean X = Y

A> Object X refers to the contents of Y.

32> Q on Null pointer Exception

33> Synchronize is used 4???

. . .
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Home » Placement Papers » » Caritor Placement Paper 4

Caritor Placement Paper 4

Section A. ------50qns(general appitude,english etc):
Section B. ------ 10 Questions on Computer concepts.
Section C. ------ 30 Questions on C
1. WAP find and replace a character in a string.
2. WA function to perform the substraction of two .Eg:char N1="123",N2="478",
3. WAP dynamically intialize a 2 dimentional array Eg:5x20,accept strings and check
for vowels and display the no.finally free the space allocated .
4. WAP read a line from file from location N1 to N2 using command line agruments
Eg:exe 10 20 a.c
5. WAP find the largest of 4 no using macros.

General section
Computer science general, c/c++ section, Java section ,The question paper had 48
questions to be answered in 1hr. Time will be quite sufficient. They have different
sets of question papers. .

1 General section : computer science general knowledge
2. Computer science general: simple questions

1. HP acquired this company in 2002. Which is the company
a) Compaq b) Dell c) option 3 d) Option4
Ans: a

2. What does 3G denote
a) 3rd generation mobile communication b) 3rd generation computer languages
c) option 3 d) option4
Ans: a

3. An application program that is used by the users to get the inofrmation from the
backend of some application like databases:
a) application server b)proxy server c)database server d)option 4
Ans: database server

4. Which of the following is not true about the e-mail
a) It can be accessed by a client program using POP
b) It can be accessed by a client program using imap protocol
c) option 3
d) option 4
Ans: I don't remember the answer but first 2 are true.

5. Some quesion regarding the company and who developed it ( the thing to remember
is that Apple produce Macintosh computers).

c/c++ section: questions on c/c++, programs o/p etc.

1 main( )
unsigned int i=3;
while( i >=0)
printf( "%d", i--);
how many times will the printf stmt be executed?
a)0 b)3 c)4 d)infinite
Ans: I think the answer is infinite, b'cos 'i' is an unsigned integer and it will not
decrement below '0' and hence end up in an infinite loop.(yes, i checked and it
is getting stuck in an infinite loop)

2. main( )
int x,y, z;
z= x+++y;
printf("%d %d %d", x, y z);
a)3 5 7 b)option 2 c)option 3 d)option 4
Ans: a

3 # define swap(a,b) temp=a; a=b; b=temp;
main( )
int i, j, temp;
if( i > j)
swap( i, j );
printf( "%d %d %d", i, j, temp);
Ans: On compiling i got ans 10, 0, 0. I did not understand the concept. Please
expalin this to me.

4. Java section: questions on java related stuff.
1) Java was initially code named as:
a)Oak b)green c)miller d)option4
Ans: Oak

5. What is not true about the following statements about java.
a) it is compiled using javac compiler
b) the compiled files have .class extension.
c) such files cannot be transfered from one comp to another.
d) they use the java interpreter
Ans: c

6. Why is the synchronize used?
a) to initialize multiple objects b)to lock an object c)option3 d)option 4
Ans: b (probably)
HP has 3 rounds
1.Preliminary-consists of 4 sections namely english,reasoning,aptitude and comprehension.

English-just preliminary consisting of articles,jumbled up sentences, antonyms & synonyms etc.

Reasoning-this is the part which most students found to be the tough eventhough half of the questions were very easy.
I will specify the ones which were tough-venn diagram puzzles,the type of problems were one has to decide if the person is to be selected, rejected or referred (refer R.S.aggarwal),clock puzzles, cube(which part is painted etc)

Aptitude-just prelimanariesvolving time & distance, binary numbers, clocks, simple but lenghy mathematical calculations.

Conprehension-Apassage from MIcroprocesor was given from which conclusion was to be drawn.It was a tough one.

2. Technical Interview-Just simple questions involving-C,C++,DBMS(must),SQL,
software engg,d.s.(I was asked from this fields).

3. HR-Lengthy(for me it was approximately 40 min) but quite cordial.Just general questions like family background,hobbies(write this properly in the biodata as many questions to from my biodata),last movie seen it's story,last boog read and so on.

The major eliminating round was the prelimanary section.
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